Mendapat kesempatan istimewa untuk tampil bersama rekan-rekan KOMUNITAS MARVEL INDONESIA dan SURABAYA TOYS COMMUNITY di acara "CHOCODAY 2012" (Comic, Hobby and Cosplay) yang diselenggarakan oleh BEECOMICS di Tunjungan Plaza 2 Surabaya. Tanggal 29 Oktober - 4 November 2012...
Bersemangat menunjukkan koleksi 12500 gambar superhero / fantasy yang selama ini saya kumpulkan !
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Fantasy Small Cards
Rabu, 14 November 2012
Kamis, 05 Mei 2011
Playing Cards - Wikipedia
Playing card
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Blue Rider back Bicycle Playing Cards by USPCC
Some typical English playing cards from the Bicycle brand
A playing card is a piece of specially prepared heavy paper, thin cardboard, or thin plastic, figured with distinguishing motifs and used as one of a set for playing card games. Playing cards are typically palm-sized for convenient handling.
A complete set of cards is called a pack or deck, and the subset of cards held at one time by a player during a game is commonly called a hand. A deck of cards may be used for playing a great variety of card games, some of which may also incorporate gambling. Because playing cards are both standardized and commonly available, they are often adapted for other uses, such as magic tricks, cartomancy, or building a house of cards.
The front (or "face") of each card carries markings that distinguish it from the other cards in the deck and determine its use under the rules of the game being played. The back of each card is identical for all cards in any particular deck, and usually of a single color or formalized design. Usually every card will be smooth however some decks have braille to allow blind people to read the card number and suit. The back of playing cards is sometimes used for advertising. For most games, the cards are assembled into a deck, and their order is randomized by shuffling.
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Blue Rider back Bicycle Playing Cards by USPCC
Some typical English playing cards from the Bicycle brand
A playing card is a piece of specially prepared heavy paper, thin cardboard, or thin plastic, figured with distinguishing motifs and used as one of a set for playing card games. Playing cards are typically palm-sized for convenient handling.
A complete set of cards is called a pack or deck, and the subset of cards held at one time by a player during a game is commonly called a hand. A deck of cards may be used for playing a great variety of card games, some of which may also incorporate gambling. Because playing cards are both standardized and commonly available, they are often adapted for other uses, such as magic tricks, cartomancy, or building a house of cards.
The front (or "face") of each card carries markings that distinguish it from the other cards in the deck and determine its use under the rules of the game being played. The back of each card is identical for all cards in any particular deck, and usually of a single color or formalized design. Usually every card will be smooth however some decks have braille to allow blind people to read the card number and suit. The back of playing cards is sometimes used for advertising. For most games, the cards are assembled into a deck, and their order is randomized by shuffling.
Selasa, 26 Oktober 2010
My Old Comics
Koleksi komik dan majalah film kuno yang kumiliki :

Spider-man dalam bahasa Belanda.

Selengkapnya di PHOTOBUCKET

Spider-man dalam bahasa Belanda.

Selengkapnya di PHOTOBUCKET
Superheroes at my Digital Camera
Setelah adanya teknologi kamera digital, saya juga mengumpulkan gambar-gambar digital, tetap dengan nuansa SUPERHERO!
Ini ada becak dengan gambar SPIDER-MAN!

Saat ada event di mana para COSPLAYER Indonesia tampil !

Ada seorang anak memakai HELM SPIDER-MAN,

Spanduk Wafer, dengan tokoh SUPER... MANNN!!

Ada coretan di MURAL dekat PTC Surabaya, gambarnya SUPERMAN!

Para penjual 'mainan murah meriah' di setiap sudut kota, dekat sekolah-sekolah SD...
Ini ada becak dengan gambar SPIDER-MAN!

Saat ada event di mana para COSPLAYER Indonesia tampil !

Ada seorang anak memakai HELM SPIDER-MAN,

Spanduk Wafer, dengan tokoh SUPER... MANNN!!

Ada coretan di MURAL dekat PTC Surabaya, gambarnya SUPERMAN!

Para penjual 'mainan murah meriah' di setiap sudut kota, dekat sekolah-sekolah SD...

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